Nexo : Making Connections


Nexo P8s provide fills around the perimeter

HAVING BEEN NOTICEABLY ABSENT IN THE MIDDLE East market for several years, Nexo’s recent partnership with Dubai-based distributor Thomsun is already beginning to pay off for the French loudspeaker brand. Located on Bank Street inside the Majestic Premier Hotel, Moksha by BarBaar recently opened its doors, serving as a new flag bearer for the brand in Dubai. Moksha’s description as a bar and lounge doesn’t really do it justice, and as soon as you step inside, that becomes immediately apparent. Beyond a long, thin, central seating area is large stage adorned with various live instruments. The main attraction here is the music, whether that be live or from a DJ, and it’s obvious that a great deal of effort has been put into making that music experience the best it can be. This extends to the visual aesthetic, a blend of unique Middle Eastern traditional styling paired with futurist rave-style accents. A balcony VIP area flanks the upper level throughout. Thanks to its previous work at other BarBaar outlets, systems integrator Spectra Displays Technical Services LLC once again teamed up with Thomsun to help deliver a new audio solution for the refreshed Moksha nightclub, subsequently making it the first nightclub in the UAE with Nexo-powered audio. “Moksha is a brand-new space.


L–R: Dinesh Kumar, Glenvin D’souza, Atul Lanjudkar, Justin Aloysius, Mohammed Parvez and Nikil Babu

It’s a live concept venue especially for the Asian audience with a focus on new music coming into the genre,” explains Moksha general manager Sudananda Poojari. “One of the key nights is Plus 91 Studio, which features two Dubai-based local bands performing at the same time as two bands all the way from India. Then on Saturday we have a DJ evening, a high-energy night where we invite renowned Indian and Bollywood DJs. As a result, the speaker system has to be able to handle both of these very different functions. Given that this is very lively bar, the owner was also keen to explore more powerful solutions than in our previous venues, all of which led us to Nexo.” “The client approached us for Moksha following work we had done at Virgo Dubai,” explains Spectra owner Justin Aloysius. “They were also familiar with Thomsun from the original BarBaar project and were aware that the Nexo system was now available locally. I was also very familiar with the brand as I used to manage Nexo many years ago when I worked for their distributor at the time.”
Given that the type of music being played at Moksha depends heavily on the crowd, “we’ve configured the audio system so it can bring good quality music to every nook and cranny, regardless of if it’s a completely full house or not,” notes Spectra project manager Melo Navarro. “It’s a relatively small area, but they run a serious operation, and it can get pretty lively as the night progresses, with people moving and dancing around.” With ceiling-hung main arrays formed of six Nexo GEO M12 line array cabinets placed on either side of the stage, low-end reinforcement comes from six GEO MSUB18 subwoofers hidden under its front lip. Eight Yamaha DHR12M foldback monitors allow musicians onstage to clearly hear their own performances. The cabinets are connected via Dante to a single NXAMP4X1 and two NXAMP4X4 amplifiers, with DSP from a Yamaha MRX7-D.
Extending distribution to the upper level are additional Nexo P8 point-source speakers spaced around the exterior walls. Four more mounted downstairs bring coverage to the VIP booths and bar area. Control is managed by the venue’s live sound engineer via a Yamaha QL5 mixing console with iPad control. This takes inputs either directly from the DJ booth or from a blend of wired vocal and instrument mics onstage, alongside Sennheiser Evolution Digital EW 100 G4 wireless systems. While audio has clearly been the focus when getting Moksha off the ground, no less attention to detail has been paid to the visual aesthetic. An overhead lighting rig adorned with multiple Pangolin lasers works in tandem with videowalls covering the central columns and the rear of the stage. Everything is managed by an Avolites Titan Mobile control surface. “The Pangolins are really great lasers,” notes the project manager. “They’re capable of creating some pretty cool effects.” Video content and graphics are being fed from a Novastar H2 video sever into a desktop computer at FOH running Resolume, which in turn feeds four HDMI outputs to the displays. “We can slice content up and map it onto any of the LEDs,” explains Navarro.
While Spectra first got involved with the venue four months before Moksha opened, because all parties were familiar with both each other and the Nexo family of products, installation was completed in less than two weeks. “Beyond the fact that it is the first new Nexo nightclub in Dubai for quite some time, the system sounds great and is plenty enough for their needs,” concludes Aloysius. “Initially we had concerns over how the columns and some of the reflective surfaces would affect the audio. Some of our guys visited the Nexo HQ for training and following that we modelled the space in Nexo’s NS-1 system configuration software. This left us fully confident in our design and that we had given enough delay speakers to compensate. We modelled everything again afterwards and I’m 100% satisfied with the Nexo setup here. It ticks all the boxes and sounds simply amazing.” Poojari notes that the reception from the first guests through the door at Moksha has been exactly what he was hoping for. “People have been telling us when they come in that the sound is amazing. For us the sound really helps to create the right overall vibe that we were looking for.” “Impressed by our previous work at BarBaar and other venues, Moksha by BarBaar trusted us to deliver their audiovisual needs,” explains Nikil Babu, Thomsun product manager. “It was pleasure to be able to bring Nexo CEO Jean Mullor to Moksha when he came to Dubai recently and experience just how good the system there sounds.”

Article from : Pro AVL MEA